Ersun N Kurtuluş

Ersun Necati Kurtuluş is an outdoor enthusiast of Turkish origin, Swedish citizenship and, until recently, of British residency…

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Dr Ersun Necati Kurtuluş is an outdoor enthusiast of Turkish origin, Swedish citizenship and, until recently, of British residency. He has climbed extensively, both Alpine and rock, in the Alps, the Andes, the Himalayas, Borneo, Africa, Norway, Alaska, the United Kingdom and Turkey.


Alpine Climbing | High Altitude Mountaineering | Rock Climbing | Trekking

Expedition Reports

Matterhorn | Ojos del Salados | Incahuasi | Denali I | Denali II 

Club Coaching

Ankara University – Cave Exploration Unit | TEDU – Climbing Group | TEDU – Outdoor Sports Group | UKC – MC

Public Speaking & Promotion

TED University | University of Kent | Herne Bay Junior School



Date of Award : 05/09/2018
Result : Pass
Provider : Chris Ensoll

This qualification trains and assesses
candidates in the skills required to lead
hillwalking groups in summer conditions on
mountainous routes not requiring the
planned use of a rope. Established in 1964,
this was the first qualification created by
Mountain Training.

This person gained Single Pitch
Date of Award : 17/10/2015
Result : Pass
Provider : Plas y Brenin - National
Outdoor Centre

This qualification trains and assesses
candidates in the skills required to
supervise climbers on single pitch crags
and climbing walls. Common activities
undertaken by Rock Climbing Instructor will
be roped climbing and bouldering. This
scheme does not include the skills and
techniques required to teach lead climbing